Session 10 Project Review

Today we went over, Project requirements followed by a presentation on what we have been working on in our game to the class, finishing with getting help with the scene manager within unity.

The due date for our first milestone is upon us and we are all in panic mode trying to pull together the report required and the requirements of our game are met.

I have discovered that by using scriptable objects in Unity is going to have its pitfalls in the future for saving my game to a database. And I have to wonder where I am going to find the time to re-code my entire game. Not to mention I have witnessed many fellow students burning the midnight oil to 3-4am many many nights throughout the whole semester trying to give the tutor what is expected.

Being unable to understand the tutor’s code and getting it too work in my own game proved too much of a challenge for me, therefore, embarking on scriptable objects.

We had a mini-presentation to the class on what we are currently working on in our game. We got to see some amazing future game developers work and offer help to class members that expressed some issues they are currently having.

I received help with my scene manager – I was able to go from login to start menu but unable to go to the main game. It would appear I was using obsolete code.

Session 9 UI design Responsive

Special guest Mr. Evans took the class today and introduced us Anchor points and pivots. We downloaded the GUI example from our lessons tab, Mr. Evan’s then proceeded to take us through how to make our design responsive. Starting with a canvas and button in Unity and making adjustments in the Rect Transform window we learn that if you want the objects on your canvas to be responsive when you scale the window up or down or  play around with resizing or resolution you don’t want all the items on the screen moving all over the place you want the images to scale correctly with the resolution. To prevent this happening we want to use the anchor points and adjust your pivots.

In class we played around with stretching a button, playing with anchors and how pivots and positioning are what helps to make our apps responsive on any resolution.


Todays lesson was fun and will be useful for when I design my login screen for the textbased game.

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